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The practical application of sheep ultrasound

2024-09-19 11:13:20 Visits:

In pregnancy testing in goats, B-ultrasound is always performed through the transabdominal route, and transrectal testing is also widely used in some large sheep farms.

Ultrasound pregnancy detection using B-ultrasound in sheep

The practical application of sheep ultrasound(图1)

During general testing, goats are examined in a standing position. The ultrasound probe will be applied to the right or left inguinal region. In the detection process, if necessary, the detection position can be shaved. Use a coupling agent between the skin and the probe to prevent poor contact between the ultrasound probe.

Restrain the goats properly

There is only one constraint for pregnancy diagnosis in goats: standing goats. This species does not use a supine position because its very prominent vertebrae and angles make it difficult. In addition, goats are more difficult to restrain than other small ruminant animals such as sheep in other locations.

Goat detection using B-ultrasound transabdominal ultrasound

Goats are usually scanned while standing. Usually, a 3.5 or 5 MHz probe is used. The results of transabdominal ultrasound diagnosis of pregnancy are very good.

Sheep pregnancy detection by B-ultrasound

It is necessary to search for silencing areas corresponding to embryonic vesicles and urinary fluid. Usually, several circular areas without echoes are observed, such as on cows and sheep. The liquid contents are anechoic and uniform, with liquid vesicles surrounded by thick uterine walls.

24 day pregnancy image of goat

The embryo can be highlighted, in which case we can see flashes corresponding to the heartbeat. The amniotic membrane surrounds the embryo at a distance of 1 or 2 centimeters, like a thin, echogenic membrane. The fetus and fetal membranes can sometimes be seen as early as 25 days of pregnancy, the most common is around 30 days, and can still be distinguished at 35 days. At 30 days, the heartbeat can sometimes be seen, and it can still be seen at 35 days.

Placental tumors first appear in small elevations on the uterine wall, sometimes around the 25th day of pregnancy. Placental tumors can still be seen at 40 days of pregnancy. Then they will appear in the form of suction cups around 50 days (Table V).

However, even if the uterine cavity can be displayed early (from day 22 onwards), pregnancy diagnosis in goats can only be made by additional observation of placental tumors and/or fetuses and/or membranes. Given the frequency of false pregnancies in this species, it is evident that visualization of the anechoic area is insufficient to draw conclusions

tags: sheep ultrasoundB-ultrasound in sheepultrasound probe
Text link:https://www.bxlultrasound.com/ns/128.html
sheep ultrasound B-ultrasound in sheep ultrasound probe

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