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What can pigs do with a B-ultrasound machine?

2024-09-19 16:40:44 Visits:

Due to the fact that not every sow shows obvious signs of estrus (estrus), ultrasound diagnosis can help identify potential relapsers, giving them the opportunity to closely monitor them and maximize the influence of boars. In addition, as ultrasound examination can also display the ovaries, it can help predict the estrus time and mating time of sows.

High definition pig ultrasound detection of sows using B-ultrasound machine

Pigs use B-ultrasound machine to examine the puberty of sows

Ultrasound equipment has the potential to save money in various ways, with a good example being the examination of adolescence.

In the pig farming industry, there are always a large number of reserve sows being eliminated due to lack of estrus. These reserve sows usually require more attention, which is expensive and may not be successful. Sometimes, the heat detection program is poor. In other cases, reserve sows do not circulate.

Regardless of the reason, ultrasound examination can accurately diagnose whether the reserve sow is mature. This is based on the discovery of the ovaries and uterus. As for the latter, the uterus of immature sows is relatively small, as clearly depicted by its small circumference. Ultrasound not only helps evaluate heat detection procedures; It can also allow producers to understand when their cattle herds enter puberty.

Pigs use B-ultrasound machine to detect ovulation in sows

Another use of ultrasound examination is to monitor ovulation. Generally speaking, the reason for doing so is to evaluate breeding management, especially the timing of services/AI.

As is well known, sperm need to stay in the uterus for several hours before the egg is released from the follicle (ovulation). Ultrasound examination is the only non-invasive examination that allows ovulation monitoring of live farm animals.

The size and shape of follicles can provide a good estimate of when ovulation may occur. Overall, the so-called ovulation period can be monitored in pigs. Similarly, this makes ultrasound examination a very valuable tool.

In other cases, when there are changes in management that may affect the fertility of the livestock population, such as the use of new breeds, the introduction of hormone therapy, or changes in service hours, the use of ultrasound to monitor ovulation is a perfect program change that accompanies these changes and necessary adjustments. Finally, the value of monitoring ovulation for troubleshooting should not be forgotten.

Ultrasound detection of sow bladder using B-ultrasound machine

Ultrasound examination can be used to diagnose certain bladder diseases. This is particularly important because there is a close relationship between bladder diseases and genital infections. More specifically, sediment can be clearly seen through ultrasound examination (e.g. in bladder urine) and can also be quantified on a scoring system.

Ultrasound image of pig bladder

Image of bladder. A) A small amount of sediment (black with a small amount of white spots, i.e. urine); B) A large amount of sediment (almost no black, i.e. urine); C) The bladder with irregularly shaped walls also has heterogeneous echogenic textures. This sow also has thick purulent discharge, indicating that she has cystitis.

tags: B-ultrasound machineUltrasound equipment
Text link:https://www.bxlultrasound.com/ns/142.html
B-ultrasound machine Ultrasound equipment

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