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Diagnosis of uterine pyometra in nulliparous female dogs by veterinary B-ultrasound

2024-09-23 16:48:09 Visits:

Pyometra in nulliparous female dogs is generally caused by the invasion of pathogenic bacteria, which causes inflammatory changes in the uterine mucosa, and the inflammatory products accumulate in the uterus. Clinically, it is more common in middle-aged and elderly dogs, less common in young dogs, and even rarer in nulliparous young female dogs.

The general clinical manifestations of pyometra in nulliparous female dogs are that most of them are in a good mental state, have a slightly reduced appetite, an increased desire to drink, have rough and messy fur, and are dull. There is a small amount of light pink purulent sticky material attached to the vulva, tail hair, and leg joints, and the body temperature can reach 40℃. Therefore, when diagnosing, it is necessary to use veterinary B-ultrasound or veterinary X-ray machine for diagnosis, which is generally manifested as typical inflammation on veterinary B-ultrasound.

In clinical cases with more severe manifestations of pyometra in nulliparous female dogs, the affected dogs are depressed, have irregular heartbeats, and have normal or low body temperatures. They have no appetite, an increased desire to drink, and a large amount of purulent secretions are attached to the vulva and tail hair. The abdominal circumference is swollen, and the abdomen is palpated by hand, and the uterus is swollen. X-ray examination shows that the uterus rotates like a homogeneous sausage. During veterinary B-ultrasound examination, a large amount of thick juice can be seen in the uterine cavity.

During treatment, the uterus is generally removed by conventional surgical methods, and then symptomatic treatment is performed, energy mixture is intravenously injected to regulate the body's functions, and penicillin and streptomycin are injected intramuscularly for antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects until the dog's wound heals. After the operation, veterinary B-ultrasound should be used frequently to check if there are any problems.

tags: veterinary B-ultrasound
Text link:https://www.bxlultrasound.com/ns/203.html
veterinary B-ultrasound

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