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Monitoring the treatment process of female infertility using veterinary ultrasound

2024-09-12 15:46:37 Visits:

Long term and temporary inability of ewes to conceive is called infertility. Preventive measures include improving feeding management, strengthening grazing activities, supplementing feed rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, and diversifying the types of feed; To prevent ewes from becoming overweight, monitor them with B-ultrasound, reduce the amount of concentrated feed, and increase green and juicy feed; Strengthen exercise and get more sun exposure.

Treatment method: Subcutaneous injection of relevant hormones, 2 milliliters per ewe, 2-4 days after injection, estrus, and mating in the third estrus period after estrus, with good results. Because hormones can directly stimulate the reproductive organs and have the function of guiding and promoting ovulation, the effectiveness of injection can be examined using Veterinary Ultrasound.

Observation with animal B-ultrasound: Subcutaneous injection of 1000-2000 units of chorionic gonadotropin once a day for 2-3 days can promote follicle development and accelerate ovulation in non estrus ewes. After treatment, observation with animal B-ultrasound is also required.

For ewes with weak constitution and inability to estrus, "placenta soup" can be administered orally. Take one placenta from a sheep without any pathological changes after delivery, clean it with water, chop it up, add 5000 milliliters of water to a pot, sterilize it in 75 ℃ warm water for 30 minutes, filter it, and wait for the temperature to be taken orally. Each ewe should take 1000 milliliters each time, which has good effects, but the treatment effect needs to be observed using animal ultrasound.

Chinese herbal therapy: 50 grams of motherwort, 100 grams of fresh pine needles, 100 grams of raw yellow clover, 10 grams of roasted licorice, decoct in water, use 100 grams of brown sugar as a guide, take orally after warming up, take one dose daily for 2-3 days, can make ewes estrus and mate, and the effect can only be known after observing their condition with B-ultrasound.

tags: veterinary ultrasoundB-ultrasoundultrasoundanimal B-ultrasound
Text link:https://www.bxlultrasound.com/ns/56.html
veterinary ultrasound B-ultrasound ultrasound animal B-ultrasound

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