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Combining B-ultrasound and rectal examination to assess the uterine condition of imported cows

2024-09-12 16:13:32 Visits:

The most troublesome issue for dairy breeders is the discovery of abnormal uterine horns, poor contractions, slightly cloudy mucus, or estrus after two mating periods. These reasons can be diagnosed through imported cattle ultrasound examination first, and then prevented effectively.

main cause:

1. Endometritis was not detected during mating;

2. When ejaculating, it can cause secondary infection in humans;

3. The uterine environment during estrus is not conducive to the attachment of fertilized eggs and early embryo development, resulting in early embryo death.

Therefore, when conducting rectal examination of cows or B-ultrasound examination of imported cows, the uterus should be measured according to the following criteria, and abnormal uterine insemination should be avoided as much as possible. Early treatment should be sought to shorten the calving interval.

During rectal examination, finger pressure method or imported cattle ultrasound examination is used to check for uterine myositis. If cows suffer from acute or chronic endometritis that is not cured in a timely manner, and bacterial toxins stimulate muscle fibers for a long time, causing muscle fiber cells to leak and swell, then the mucosa has already developed extensive ulcers. The uterine blood circulation, metabolism, nervous system, and endocrine system are severely affected, which can easily lead to secondary adhesions of the fallopian tubes and ovaries. The specific method is to press the uterine wall with your fingers during rectal examination. If the indentation cannot be immediately restored, you may be able to touch the uterine cavity and feel that the uterine wall is thick and lacks elasticity to confirm the diagnosis. Alternatively, imported cows can undergo ultrasound imaging using B-ultrasound, which can show irregular strong echo structures on the uterus. At this point, treatment should be discontinued.

During rectal examination, stimulation method is used or imported cattle are examined by B-ultrasound. When the uterus of estrus cattle is examined by insemination, the uterine angle is still very large at first contact. After repeated large bends to embrace the uterus, it actually contracts very well. This phenomenon is generally more common in high-yielding cattle and multiparous cattle. This is a regulatory response caused by the stimulation of uterine nerves. When imported cattle are examined by B-ultrasound, it can be seen that the mucosal layer of the uterus is very smooth and free of inflammatory substances. Such a uterus is normal, and its neuroendocrine system is fine, which can participate in breeding.

tags: cattle ultrasoundcows or B-ultrasoundB-ultrasoundultrasound
Text link:https://www.bxlultrasound.com/ns/57.html
cattle ultrasound cows or B-ultrasound B-ultrasound ultrasound

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