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The role of veterinary ultrasound in the treatment of uterine abscess

2024-09-14 16:19:01 Visits:

The pyometra of Tibetan dogs is not seasonal, and the clinical incidence rate is high. It usually occurs within 4 weeks to 4 months after the end of the estrus period of bitches, while the incidence rate of bitches over 40 months of age who have not given birth is significantly higher. When a sick dog is diagnosed with obstructive pyometra through veterinary ultrasound, especially in cases with a long course of illness, severe symptoms, and ineffective treatment, immediate surgical treatment is required to remove the uterus and ovaries to prevent sepsis and life-threatening conditions. If time and condition permit, preoperative measures such as anti infection, correction of acidosis, electrolyte supplementation, improvement of cardiovascular function and systemic blood circulation should be taken based on the overall condition of the diseased dog to increase the survival rate of the animal undergoing surgery. Perform surgery immediately after the overall condition improves. Animals with sepsis and shock symptoms require a large amount of intravenous infusion and immediate intravenous administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics. After surgery, the condition should be regularly observed through veterinary ultrasound.

The role of veterinary ultrasound in the treatment of uterine abscess(图1)

When using PGF2 alpha to treat cases of cervical atresia, there are often certain side effects, especially after the first injection, the affected dog may experience discomfort, vomiting, defecation, tachycardia, elevated body temperature, abdominal pain, and excessive salivation symptoms. The severity of the side effects is related to the dosage, but it will slow down with the increase of injection times. After injection, the opening of the cervix can be observed on animal B-ultrasound.

Do not blindly use hormone drugs such as progesterone and dexamethasone on estrus female dogs to avoid inducing uterine abscess. During the estrus period of Tibetan dogs, exposure to harsh environments, unclean genitals, or damage during mating can easily lead to uterine pus accumulation. In such cases, special care should be taken and the animal should be continuously monitored using B-ultrasound. Tibetan dogs cured with conservative methods are prone to recurrence. It is recommended to prohibit mating during the next estrus period of Tibetan dogs, observe them with B-ultrasound, and take antibiotics and saffron tablets to prevent reinfection.

tags: veterinary ultrasoundanimal B-ultrasound
Text link:https://www.bxlultrasound.com/ns/95.html
veterinary ultrasound animal B-ultrasound

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